family Mudge

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about family Mudge in Devon UK
About Us

Welcome to this website about our family.

Now the years are passing by my daughters have asked me to record my reminiscences and our family tree. I said I would try to do so but didn't realise how difficult this would be. It seemed to me that the large amount of work should not be wasted and should be made available to wider members of the family.

I hope you will all use it, enjoy it and hopefully provide more information, photos etc for generations to come.

The Mudge family as far as I can tell originated in Devon and lived in the County for centuries generally marrying Devonians. Most did not move outside the Devon boundaries, even parish boundaries in many cases. However some moved to other parts of the world including Canada and the USA.

I have not found evidence yet of any Lords, Ladies, Admirals or the like but many labourers, tin miners, tradesmen etc. The family were also represented in the armed forces in the 1st and 2nd World Wars, Korea and other conflicts over the years.


Please email additional information, family history, photos etc, if you would like us to consider publishing it on this website to

Many thanks

Ron Mudge

Jan 2013

This website is new, please bear with us as it is still being worked on.



My mother:
Alice Hoare (Mudge)


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