family Mudge

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about family Mudge in Devon UK
a history of the Mudge family

Website by Ron Mudge, Exmouth Devon, England

Welcome! As you will be well aware, researching ones family history takes a great deal of time. All of the data on this web site has been contributed by myself, relatives and other researchers by using

The information presented on this website is from sources believed to be reliable, however we assume no responsibility or liability for it's accuracy or completeness. The information may change without warning from time to time as I learn more of my family history.

We have taken care but by visiting this web site you are agreeing to accept any possible inaccuracies. These pages are intended for personal and family use but we invite any individuals to view the information and stories.


Last update: September 13 , 2014
Lots more photos added

Please contact me (Ron), with new photos and infomation/comments, thanks.


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